Bird Flu Email from TCIS Administration

We received the following email at school today. I do not eat any meat or eggs here and I'm really not very concerned about contracting the Bird Flu, as it's more likely that one would be hit by a car in Minneapolis, but information is good to have and taking safe precautions is smart in any country:

Dear colleagues,

I would like to inform everyone about the conditions of Bird flu (Avian Influenza, H5N1) in Thailand. As you all know that the bird flu has spread to many countries especially in Asia. For Thailand we have found 18 patients who have been infected with this disease, of which 13 have been fatal. The Public Health in Thailand already mark out that the virus spreading zone are in several provinces, such as Kanjanaburi, Supanburi, Nakormpatom and Ayuthaya. As in the map you can see that all of provinces that I have mentioned are around Bangkok. Therefore, it should be very best to know more and prevent the sickness.

Preventing the touch to death birds and chickens, but if you have to please wear the mask and rubber gloves, Wash your hand with clean water and soap every time after the touch and after cook. Actually, this disease will die easily fromsoap water. You can still eat meat from chicken and egg, only to make sure that it has been cooked in a high temperature and the meat temperature is more that 70 “c. From the research of food in Thailand, every chicken food products are safe except for boil and half- boil eggs. It should be boiling more than 15 minutes, in order to kill the germs.

The Bird flu condition;
1-3 days of…
High temperature
Feel very cold and even shaking
Muscle sore and pain
Body weak
Sore throat
Later will penetrate by Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

For more information you can check on web site as follows;

Yours sincerely,