"Mob Situation"
If any of you are CNN watchers, you've heard about Thailand's Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, and the massive protests that have been taking place in various areas of Bangkok, asking him to step down due to allegations of corruption. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/
On Wednesday, March 29, we were sent home from school early because our bus company refused to pick us up at the usual time of 3:45pm for fear that we'd get stuck in hours of horrendous traffic due to a "mob situation". It turned out to be a bit of an exagerration, but we were happy to head home early!
The following note was posted on our school's website:
Due to the mob situation that has relocated downtown Siam Paragon area, please be advised that students will be dismissed at 12:30 tomorrow, Wednesday March 29, 2006.
School buses will leave at 12:45 p.m.
Teachers will also leave campus with students.
Please note: Thursday and Friday are regular school days. If there is a change we will keep you posted of developments.
เรียน ท่านผู้ปกครอง
ในวันพุธ ที่ 29
เมษายน พ.ศ.
2549 เนื่องจากกลุ่มผู้ชุมนุมประท้วงได้ย้ายการชุมนุมไปที่สยามพาราก้อน
ดังนั้นทางโรงเรียนจึงขอเลิกเรียนครึ่งวัน โดยจะเลิกเรียนเวลา 12.30 น.
12.45 น.
Paragon 附近進行, 將影響校車接送學生,
校方不得不緊急決定於三月二十九日(週三)全校學生將提早於12:30放學 . 造成不便,
請見諒! 週四及週五照常上課.