For One More Day

What an amazing book! If you've never read a book by Mitch Albom, check him out at the local library or buy a copy to share with everyone you know.

I bought Tuesdays with Morrie for $2 at a thrift store in St. Paul last summer and will keep it for life to share with friends and family. I'm not a very materialistic person, except when it comes to books. I have a hard time letting go of them because once you've read a book, it's a part of you.

This is the third Albom book I've read. I began with The Five People you Meet in Heaven, completed Tuesdays with Morrie on a five hour flight from Guatemala City to Los Angeles last October and just plowed through five continuous hours of For One More Day. These are quick reads that you can't put down and will move you to tears.

A good book is funny or interesting or entertaining, but a great book makes you reflect on life. This is a great book.

Upon finishing it this morning, I asked my dad to run to the library, read it and describe what one more day would consist of if he were to visit my Grandma Storelee, who passed away when I was 13 years old from leukemia. Of course, I remember my grandma, but I was young and it was so long ago. I look forward to my dad's response!